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USA – Just How Business-Friendly is the Supreme Court, Anyhow?

  The U.S. Supreme Court term just ended was good for business—but not, percentage-wise, as good as you might think.   The annual Mayer Brown analysis of the high court's business docket shows that in the 25 cases last term that pitted a business against an individual or government agency, business prevailed in 16—a 64 per cent win rate. That compares with 86 per cent rate of victory during the previous term, 48 per cent in 2010 and 62 per cent in 2009.   "This was plainly a good term for business interests," said Mayer Brown partner Lauren Goldman, who prepared the report. "But it is hard to generalize. You can't discern any pro-business bias. They decide each case on its own merits."   Some of the business wins this past term…
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USA – Federal appeals court rules FDA cannot allow import of execution drug

[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit [official website] ruled [opinion, PDF] on Tuesday that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) [official website] policy allowing the importation of a drug used in the execution of state prisoners was illegal. The court did not give deference to the federal agency's policy of neither approving or reviewing shipments of sodium thiopental from Dream Pharma [corporate website], a British manufacturer, because the policy was arbitrary and capricious. The court said sodium thiopental, a drug whose manufacture and purpose of use has not been regulated by the FDA, was "misbranded" and an "unapproved new drug," violating the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) and the Administration Procedure Act (APA) [texts]. The court concluded, "The FDA acted in derogation of [its] duties by permitting the importation of thiopental, a concededly misbranded and…
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USA – Fourth Circuit upholds decision to block parts of South Carolina immigration law

[JURIST] The US Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit [official website] on Tuesday affirmed [opinion, PDF] a lower court's decision to block components of South Carolina's immigration law [SB 20 text]. Relying on the Supremacy Clause, the court ruled that the plaintiffs have an implied right of action to seek injunctive relief from the act on federal preemption grounds. The court also ruled that plaintiffs need not wait to be arrested under the challenged sections of the act before they can assert a constitutional claim, stating that "they need not live under a cloud of 'prolonged uncertainty' as to their rights." Ruling on the merits, the court decided that the presumption against preemption does not apply here because immigration is an area traditionally regulated by the federal government. Moreover, the broad sweep of the law…
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Mario Alonso, nuevo presidente del Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España

Mario Alonso ha sido elegido presidente del Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas de España por los casi 5.200 miembros del ICJCE llamados a votar el pasado 23 de julio. También han sido elegidos los integrantes de la Comisión Permanente: José María Bové, vicepresidenteprimero; Jaume Carreras, vicepresidente segundo; Javier López-Guerrero, secretario general; Luis Ruiz de Huidobro, vicesecretario; Ignacio García-Zozaya, tesorero; Mercé Martí, contadora; Carlos Izquierdo,bibliotecario, y Óscar Luis Hernando, Joan Mallafré y Juan Antonio Fuster, vocales. Además se han proclamado a su vez los miembros de la Comisión Nacional de Deontología. El presidente es Gabino Mesa, y los vocales, Francisco Gabás y José Luque. El presidente del ICJCE ha manifestado su orgullo y agradecimiento por haber recibido el apoyo de los miembros a su candidatura y ha asegurado que trabajará…
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Brasil – Marcus Vinicius Furtado: Um projeto de reforma política

  A mobilização que se iniciou nas ruas não cessou na Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, em suas 27 seccionais e em mais de 900 subseções espalhadas pelo país. Queremos uma reforma política que apague de uma vez por todas o atual modelo, já exaurido, e estamos em fase avançada de coleta de assinaturas para transformar em realidade o anteprojeto de iniciativa popular denominado Eleições Limpas.   Isso exige mais de 1,5 milhão de assinaturas, ou seja, um número próximo daquele que vimos nas ruas exigindo muito mais do que a simples redução nas tarifas dos transportes públicos.   No passado, quisemos o fim do arbítrio, mas isso não bastou. O desafio atual está em enfrentar a desintegração de valores, restaurar a esperança de um futuro melhor e repor a…
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USA – Texas governor signs controversial abortion regulations into law

Texas Governor Rick Perry [official website] signed House Bill number 2 [text] on Thursday, enacting three new restrictions on the practice of abortion. These changes require physicians performing the procedure to have admitting privileges at a hospital within 30 miles and the facility to meet ambulatory surgical center requirements, and reduces the allowable gestational period from 24 to 20 weeks, among more than one dozen smaller changes to regulations. The enactment of the law sparked protests [Texas Tribune report]. Perry maintained that the changes were made to protect women [speech]. However, opposition leaders, including state senator Wendy Davis [official website], argue that such upgrades impose an undue burden. Thus, instead of improving health options for women in abortion clinics, opponents of the new laws argue [legislative record] it will limit availability of the clinics because so few can afford the upgrades. Texas [JURIST news…
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Brasil – Presidente do STF defere liminar para suspender a criação de novos TRFs

  O presidente do Supremo Tribunal Federal (STF), ministro Joaquim Barbosa, deferiu liminar para suspender os efeitos da Emenda Constitucional (EC) 73/2013, que cria quatro novos Tribunais Regionais Federais (TRFs). A decisão foi tomada na Ação Direta de Inconstitucionalidade (ADI) 5017, ajuizada pela Associação Nacional dos Procuradores Federais (Anpaf).   Para o ministro, ficou configurada uma situação de urgência excepcional que, de acordo com o inciso VIII do artigo 13 do Regimento Interno do STF, assegura a competência do presidente para, durante o recesso, apreciar o pedido. Destacou que a suspensão temporária dos efeitos da emenda é plenamente reversível, caso a decisão seja modificada ao ser submetida ao referendo do Plenário da Corte.   Vício de iniciativa Segundo a decisão, são plausíveis as alegações de vício de iniciativa e de enfraquecimento…
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Brasil – Investigações Imparciais

Recentemente foi sancionada pela presidente da República a Lei número 12.830, que dispõe sobre investigação criminal conduzida por Delegado de Polícia (Civil ou Federal). Referida Lei foi de iniciativa do Deputado Federal Arnaldo Faria de Sá (PMDB-SP) e teve por objetivo primário explicitar a natureza jurídica do cargo de Delegado, dando dignidade institucional às funções investigatórias exercidas pelas autoridades policiais. A essência do Delegado é a de um expert em Direito que deve agir no momento em que o fato criminoso acontece (a flagrância), por isso deve ter conhecimentos especializados em levantamento de locais do crime, colheita de provas, tipificação, tirocínio voltado para rastreamento de provas ou indícios no local do crime e nesse contexto deve estar apto a viabilizar o chamado devido processo investigatório. A sequencia é a formalização de atos,…
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USA – Disney Settles Antitrust Suit Over Recruiting From Rivals

  Units of Walt Disney Co. (DIS), the world’s largest theme-park operator, tentatively settled a lawsuit alleging they violated U.S. antitrust law by agreeing with competitors not to recruit one another’s employees.   Animation studio Pixar and visual-effects specialist Lucasfilm Ltd. told U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in San Jose, California, they agreed to settle all claims, according to court papers filed July 12.   “The parties anticipate completing documentation of the proposed settlement and presenting it for the court’s consideration in the near future,” plaintiffs’ lawyers said in a letter to Koh.   A group of high-tech employees sued the companies complaining that industry agreements not to pursue cross-hires amounted to a conspiracy “to fix and suppress the compensation of their employees,” according to an amended complaint filed on Sept. 13, 2011.   Zenia…
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