(ENG) Contemporary Administrative Sanction Law Seminar

Home / Notícias / (ENG) Contemporary Administrative Sanction Law Seminar

August 17, 2023 

About this event: The Contemporary Administrative Sanction Law Seminar is supposed to be attended by practitioners, scholars, and students of administrative sanction law. The seminar is a collaborative workspace for all attorneys involved in and around the practice of administrative sanction law and capital markets regulation in Brazil. This event is our collective effort to educate, challenge, and inspire one another to improve our skills, broaden our perspective, and improve the field of contemporary administrative sanction law. Join us! 

Registration is free, and has already begun. Click here to join.

Event organizers: 

IIEDE – Internacional Institute of State Law Studies 

CVM – Securities and Exchange Commission of Brazil 


Event coordinator: 

Professor Fábio Medina Osório, Former Chief Minister of the Attorney General’s Office of the Federative Republic of Brazil, Executive Chairman of IIEDE and President of Cedas for National OAB 

Contemporary Administrative Sanction Law Seminar (2)

For more information, contact: 

IIEDE – Internacional Institute of State Law Studies 

+55 (51) 3013-2658

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